CREATE OR REPLACE procedure mobile_customize( p_siteid in number default null, p_pageid in number default null, p_backurl in varchar2 default null, p_action in varchar2 default null) as l_pageid number; l_siteid number; l_backurl varchar2(4000); l_back_pageid number; l_back_siteid number; l_url varchar2(32767); l_page wwpob_api_page.page_record; l_dlg wwui_api_dialog; l_button_list wwui_api_button_list; l_language varchar2(32) := wwctx_api.get_nls_language; begin -- The user has submitted the form below because the mobile homepage -- resolved to a desktop page, so perform the desired action -- (either Cancel the operation, or Finish the operation) if p_action = 'Cancel' then -- The user wants to Cancel, so go back to the originating page owa_util.redirect_url(p_backurl); return; elsif p_action = 'Finish' then -- The user is happy to continue, so go to the customize page owa_util.redirect_url( wwctx_api.get_proc_path( 'wwpob_page_customize.pageCustomize'|| '?p_pageid='|| p_pageid || '&p_siteid=' || p_siteid || '&p_back_url=' || wwutl_htf.url_encode(p_backurl))); return; end if; if p_siteid is null or p_pageid is null then wwpob_api_mobile.get_defaultmobilepage( p_siteid => l_siteid, p_pageid => l_pageid); else l_pageid := p_pageid; l_siteid := p_siteid; end if; if p_backurl is null then wwpob_api_page.get_defaultpage(p_siteid=>l_back_siteid, p_pageid=>l_back_pageid); l_backurl := wwpob_page_util.get_page_url( p_siteid=>l_back_siteid, p_pageid=>l_back_pageid); else l_backurl := p_backurl; end if; l_page := wwpob_api_page.get( l_pageid, l_siteid ); -- Only redirect to the customization screen if the resulting page -- is a MOBILE page, or we have already said we wish to continue if p_action = 'Finish' or l_page.base_type = wwpob_api_page.PAGETYPE_MOBILE then l_url := wwctx_api.get_proc_path( 'wwpob_page_customize.pageCustomize'|| '?p_pageid='|| l_pageid || '&p_siteid=' || l_siteid || '&p_back_url=' || wwutl_htf.url_encode(l_backurl)); owa_util.redirect_url(l_url); else -- This page is not a mobile page, explain what has happened and -- give the user the option to continue to the customization screen -- or to backtrack to the originating page -- Construct the buttons (Yes and No Button) l_button_list := wwui_api_button_list( wwui_api_button.create_button( p_button_name => wwnls_api.get_string( wwnls_api.DOMAIN_WWC, 'pob', 'yes', l_language), p_button_url => 'javascript:finishSubmit()'), wwui_api_button.create_button( p_button_name => wwnls_api.get_string( wwnls_api.DOMAIN_WWC, 'pob', 'no', l_language), p_button_url => 'javascript:cancelSubmit()')); -- Construct the Dialog l_dlg := wwui_api_dialog.create_dialog( p_title => l_page.title, p_dialog_image => wwctx_api.get_image_path('pobpage.jpg'), p_subheader_text => wwnls_api.get_string(wwnls_api.DOMAIN_WWC, 'pob', 'mobilecusttitle', l_language, p1 => l_page.title ) ); -- Create a new HTML document template htp.htmlopen; htp.headOpen; htp.title(l_page.title); -- Javascript Functions wwutl_javascript.open_script; htp.p (' function finishSubmit() { document.mobilecustomizeform.p_action.value = "Finish"; document.mobilecustomizeform.submit(); } '); htp.p (' function cancelSubmit() { document.mobilecustomizeform.p_action.value = "Cancel"; document.mobilecustomizeform.submit(); } '); wwutl_javascript.close_script; htp.headClose; wwui_api_body.bodyopen(p_use_csstag => TRUE, p_use_margin => TRUE); -- FORM OPEN htp.formOpen(curl => wwctx_api.get_product_schema ||'.mobile_customize', cmethod => 'POST', cattributes => 'NAME="mobilecustomizeform"'); wwui_api_body.banner; -- Draw the Wizard l_dlg.open_dialog(p_contenttable=>false); htp.centerOpen; -- Hidden form elements htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p(''); htp.p('
'); -- MAIN TABLE FOR THE LAYOUT FORM htp.tableOpen(cattributes => 'width="70%"'); -- Delete Confirm Message htp.tableRowOpen; htp.tableData(htf.fontOpen(cface => 'arial,helvetica', csize => '-1') || wwnls_api.get_string(wwnls_api.DOMAIN_WWC, 'pob', 'mobilecustdlg1', l_language) || || || wwnls_api.get_string(wwnls_api.DOMAIN_WWC, 'pob', 'proceed_confirm', l_language) || htf.fontClose, calign=>'center'); htp.tableRowClose; -- MAIN TABLE CLOSE htp.tableClose; -- Display the Yes/No Buttons htp.centerOpen; wwui_api_util.draw_buttons(l_button_list); htp.centerClose; l_dlg.close_dialog(p_contenttable=>false); -- FORM CLOSE htp.formClose; htp.bodyClose; htp.htmlClose; end if; return; exception when others then wwerr_api_error_ui.show_html; end; /